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Thank you !

The first version of the 蹤獲扦s Resource Database was released in 2011 as the best practice exchange platform. Almost 400 items have been collected till 2020. For several years discussions within 蹤獲扦 were considering how to improve the functionality, keep the content up-to-date and provide the full range coverage of relevant physics topics. As a result new Resource Database has been developed as part of the new 蹤獲扦 digital portfolio between 2018-2021 in close collaboration with 蹤獲扦 community and its target audiences (especially high school physics teachers) offering more user-friendly way of navigating, search, submissions and feedback.

蹤獲扦 aims the information in RDB to be readily understandable and regularly updated to reflect the latest discoveries in particle physics.

In 2020 an official RDB curation group, including teachers, scientists and science educators proposed by 蹤獲扦 Forum members, from almost 20 countries, CERN and different international experiments, has been created with mandate to review nearly 400 resources collected over past 10 years to ensure that these are still correct and useful and to assign new tags following new taxonomy. A new tag school topic has been added, which helps teachers to identify where in their classical physics curriculum they can use the particular resource. At the same time many new items have been collected by RDB Working Group created in 2021 in order to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date collection of outreach and educational materials in particle physics and related sciences worldwide.




Alberto Ruiz Jimeno

Abolfazl Moradi Khanghahi

Afnan Alostaz

Ahmad Ghanim

Alexander Sharmazanashvili

Andreas Delannoy

Andrej Gorisek

Ani Torres

Anna Marie Wolf

Bisma Imran

Carlos Cunha

Cassondra McHugh-Lowther

C矇dric Vanden Driessche

Christian Klein-Boesing

Claire Adam Bourdarios

Claire Bonnoit-Chevalier

Daniela Ambar Gayoso Miranda

Dario Menasce

Darren Price

Despina Hatzifotiadou

Enrique Arce-Larreta

Flordeliza Remonde

Galina Kirilova

Galymbek Tashev

Harry Stuckey

Helene Coyle

Ian Bearden

Ian Gardner Bearden

Ivan Melo

Jean-Christophe Pelhate

Jeremy Wegner

Joel Klammer

Joel Klammer

John Jones

Jonas Strandberg

Jos矇 Mar穩a D穩az Fuentes

Julia Woithe

Katrin Timakova

Kevin Martz

Kevin Mosedale

Krzysztof Wieslaw Wozniak

Lea Preece

Lucia Battistella

Lu穩s Afonso

Marcelo Gameiro-Munhoz

Marge Bardeen

Maria Niland

Marinko Petkovic

Marla Glover

Michael Gregory

Michael R. Fetsko

Michael Wadness

Miki Ohtsuka

Moritz Springer

Patricia Teles

Pierluigi Paolucci

Ram Krishna Sharma

Richard Dower

Robert Nickson

Robert Sullivan

Roumyana Mileva Hadjiiska

Soleiman Rasouli

Spencer Pasero

Stefania Della Sciucca

Susan Wetzler

Yury Ivanov