2024: Photo Contest

The very first 蹤獲扦 Photo Contest was organised in spring 2024, with the theme: International Masterclass (IMC).
The contributions were of very high quality but the jury had, nonetheless, to select winners ! Results were announced during the 27th collaboration meeting, organised by our Spanish colleagues in CIEMAT, Madrid:
First Prize: Stefano Marcellini, physicist and Masterclass organiser at Bologna (INFN, Italy). Here is a of a particle therapy masterclass
Second Prize: the Kenyan team and Lydia Roos (CNRS/IN2P3, France) who organised the very first ATLAS Masterclass in this country. Here is a
Third Prize ex-aequo: the French and Mexican teams who organised a CMS Masterclass in the Ecole Polytechnique ( ) and BUAP ( )
Special Jury Prize: to Portuguese team of LIP, for a . The Pierre Auger Observatory joined 蹤獲扦 in 2023.
Sincere congratulations to all participants. The theme of future contests will be announced via social media and the 蹤獲扦 news letter !