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JOINED: 2016


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JOINED: 2016



Farid Ould-Saada

University Professor and Project Leader (University of Oslo)
Department of Physics University of Oslo Post Office box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo Norway


Farid Ould-Saada


At 13 Farid decided to become a physicist and opted for particle physics when he started university in Algeria. After his PhD from Saclay, France, he took part in several experiments (e+e-, ep, pN, ppbar, pp, nu-e) at DESY, CERN and the Bugey nuclear reactor. Farid lectures at Oslo University and continues his work as a research physicist in the ATLAS collaboration. His current research is linked to searches for new physics (supersymmetry, new interactions and extra space dimensions), as well as grid computing as a solution to the data and analysis challenges at the LHC.  He co-initiated NorduGrid of which he has been a chairperson since 2002, and is the leader of various related R&D and education projects.   He has been Oslos representative to the ATLAS Collaboration board since 2005.  Farid has been Norways representative to 蹤獲扦 and the leader of the Norwegian CERN-related HEPP project since 2006, thereby taking part in all major LHC outreach events. As a member of the 蹤獲扦 Masterclasses steering committee, Farid is behind the ATLAS Z0 package allowing high school students to work for the first time with real LHC data. This is a very exciting time.  We are able to share real data, allowing individuals to participate first hand in this process of discovery...and 蹤獲扦 is a wonderful catalyst for making this possible!

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