
蹤獲扦 Coordination Team

蹤獲扦 Chair


Claire Adam
ATLAS experiment @ CERN
蹤獲扦 Chair from Jan 2023

Claire Adam

Claire heard for the first time about particles and forces on a black and white TV: a science communicator was enthusiastically talking about the Big Bang, being made of star dust, and grand unification? After completing her studies in the University Paris-Saclay, she chose a PhD on the Fr矇jus underground lab experiment which was actually looking for proton decay... one of the signatures of those inspiring models. A story that she never forgets when she visits schools.

Her favourite message: follow your dreams, and enjoy the path.

She entered the largest institute of the field in France, IJClab, and followed some detector parts at RAL and DESY (for the H1 experiment), at CERN and Padova (for the Delphi experiment) to finally settle down in the Pays de Gex (for the ATLAS collaboration) when the detector was still being built. She lead its outreach group for a few years, and met most of the 蹤獲扦 core team along the way.

Being chosen by this vibrant and diverse community as Chair for 2023-2025 is an honour and a chance to give back what she has received. Her involvement is supported by CNRS/IN2P3.