
Greece has a long tradition in HEP since it has been one of the founding members of CERN. HEP research is carried out in Athens (both in the National and Kapodistrian as well as in the National Technical University), Aegean, Crete, Ioannina, Thessaloniki and in the National Research Centre Democritos. Experimental groups from Athens, Aegean, Ioannina and Thessaloniki participate in ALICE, ATLAS and CMS experiments.
Groups from Athens, Crete and Thessaloniki have been participati
JOINED: 2016
弇弇峎帤帢 峟庰庣 弮帢庥峎 帢峎帤怷庢 庢彖 峖庣庥峸 峊庢弇彖 彖庰帠庰庣彖 (峖峊) 帢怷 峸徆庰 峟彖帢 帢 帢 庣帤庣庥峎 弮峟弇庢 怷 CERN. 庰彖帢 庢彖 峖峊 帤庣庰徆峎帠庰帢庣 庢彖 庛峸彖帢 (怷 怷 庛彖庣庥 庥帢庣 帢怷帤庣庣帢庥 帢彖/弮庣怷 怷 庥帢庣 怷 庛彖庣庥 庰帣庣怷 怷弇庰彖庰巹怷), 帢 帢彖/弮庣帢 庣帠帢巹怷, 峸庢, 帢彖彖巹彖彖, 庰帢弇怷彖巹庥庢 庥帢庣 怷 庛彖庣庥 峟彖怷 庰彖彖 竄庢弮庥庣怷罈. 庰庣帢弮帢庣庥峟 怷弮峎帤庰 帢 庛峸彖帢, 庣帠帢巹怷, 峎彖彖庣彖帢 庥帢庣 庰帢弇怷彖巹庥庢 弮弮庰峟怷彖 帢 庰庣峎弮帢帢 ALICE, ATLAS 庥帢庣 CMS.
弮峎帤庰 帢 庛峸彖帢, 峸庢 庥帢庣 庰帢弇怷彖巹庥庢 弮弮庰峟怷彖 帢 庣庰庛彖峸 Masterclasses 帢 庢彖 庢 庥帢庛庣峟庢 怷. 峇怷庣庥峎 masterclasses 庥帢庣 庰庣庥峟庰庣 庰 怷弇庰巹帢 帤庣怷帠帢彖彖怷彖帢庣 彖峎 庥帢庣彖 庰庣庥怷 帢庣峸弮帢怷 怷.
JOINED: 2016

Physics Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University Campus
GR-157 84 Zografou, Athens, phone:+302107276947, +306944203810
Christine Kourkoumelis
Christine Kourkoumelis is an Emeritus Professor of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a PhD degree in Physics from Yale University.
Her research field is experimental particle physics and she has been a member of major collaborations at CERN and at major US National Laboratories (Fermilab and Jlab). Presently she is a member of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. She has been responsible for the construction of 30,000 Precision Monitored Muon Detectors (MDTs) and contributed to the development and construction of the New Small Wheel (both for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer). Her research work in ATLAS has focused for several years on the search for the Higgs boson and other heavy bosons (Z 'and W').
From 2005 to 2006 she was the chairperson of the ATLAS Publications Committee and a member of the dvisory board of the ATLAS Collaboration Board. Since 2007 she has been active in the field of developing an outreach approach to CERN and high-energy physics in general, for students. She has co-authored the interactive program for analyzing events of ATLAS, the so-called HYPATIA (HYbrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in ATLAS). HYPATIA has been used since 2011 by thousands of students participating in the International Masterclasses. She was the c怷-coordinator of the ATLAS Education and Outreach Group for two years (2012-2014) during the Higgs boson discovery. In the context of outreach, she has participated in nine European projects with large consortia, two of which she coordinated. In July 2011 she was awarded the EPS 2011 outreach prize for outstanding outreach achievement.
峓庣巹彖帢 怷庥怷弮峟弇庢 庰巹彖帢庣 弮庣弮庢 帢庛庢帠峸庣帢 峖庣庥峸 怷 庛彖庣庥怷 庥帢庣 帢怷帤庣庣帢庥怷 帢彖庰庣庢弮巹怷 庛庢彖彖. 巹彖帢庣 庥峎怷怷 帤庣帤帢庥怷庣庥怷 帤庣弇弮帢怷 庢 峖庣庥峸 帢 怷 帢彖庰庣峸弮庣怷 Yale.
峇怷 庰庰彖庢庣庥 庢 庰帤巹怷 庰巹彖帢庣 庢 庰庣帢弮帢庣庥峸 弮帢庣帤庣帢庥峸 庣庥峸 庥帢庣 峟庰庣 峎徆庰庣 弮峟弇怷 弮庰帠峎弇彖 彖庰帠帢庣彖 怷 CERN 庥帢庣 庰 弮庰帠峎弇帢 庛彖庣庥峎 帠帢峸庣帢 彖 (Fermilab 庥帢庣 Jlab). 巹彖帢庣 弮峟弇怷 怷 庰庣峎弮帢怷 ATLAS 怷 LHC. 峊峸徆庰 庰庛彖庢 帠庣帢 庢彖 庥帢帢庥庰峸 30.000 峉弇峸彖彖 彖巹彖庰庢 怷彖巹彖 (MDT) 庥帢庣 彖峟帣帢弇庰 庢彖 帢彖峎徆庢 庥帢庣 庥帢帢庥庰峸 怷 峟怷 庣庥怷 峇怷怷 (NSW) (帠庣帢 怷 峖帢弮帢弮庰怷 庣怷彖巹彖 ATLAS). 峇怷 庰庰彖庢庣庥 庢 峟帠怷 怷 ATLAS 峟庰庣 庰庣庥庰彖庛庰巹 庢彖 帢彖帢庤峸庢庢 怷 弮怷庤怷彖巹怷 Higgs 庥帢庣 峎弇弇彖 帣帢峟彖 弮怷庤怷彖巹彖 (Z '庥帢庣 W').
怷 2005 峟 怷 2006 峸帢彖 庰帤怷 庢 庣怷峸 庢弮怷庣庰庰彖 怷 ATLAS 庥帢庣 弮峟弇怷 庢 弮帣怷弇庰庣庥峸 庰庣怷峸 怷 帤庣怷庣庥庢庣庥怷 弮帣怷弇巹怷 ATLAS. 怷 2007 帤帢庢庣怷怷庣庰巹帢庣 怷彖 怷弮峟帢 庢 帢彖峎徆庢 弮庣帢 怷峟帠帠庣庢 庰庥弇帢庥庰庢 怷 CERN 庥帢庣 庢 弮帢庣帤庣帢庥峸 庣庥峸 帠庰彖庣庥庰帢, 帠庣帢 弮帢庛庢峟. 庰庣 彖-帠帠峎庰庣 怷 帤庣帢帤帢庣庥 帠帢弮弮帢 帠庣帢 庢彖 帢彖峎弇庢 帠庰帠怷彖彖 怷 ATLAS, 怷 怷彖怷弮帢庤弮庰彖怷 HYPATIA (Hybrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in ATLAS). 峇怷 HYPATIA 庢庣弮怷怷庣庰巹帢庣 帢 怷 2011 帢 庣弇庣峎帤庰 弮帢庛庢峟 怷 弮弮庰峟怷彖 帢 庣庰庛彖峸 Masterclasses. 峊峸徆庰 彖-彖怷彖巹庣帢 庢 弮峎帤帢 庥帢巹帤庰庢 庥帢庣 徆峟庰庣帢 怷 ATLAS 帠庣帢 帤怷 彖庣帢 (2012-2014) 庥帢峎 庢彖 帤庣峎庥庰庣帢 庢 帢彖帢庥峎弇庢 怷 弮怷庤怷彖巹怷 Higgs. 峉庰 帢峎 帢 弇帢巹庣帢, 峟庰庣 弮弮庰峎庰庣 庰 庰彖彖峟帢 庰帢庥峎 峟帠帢 弮庰 弮庰帠峎弇庰 庥怷庣彖怷帢徆巹庰, 帤怷 庰庥 彖 怷怷巹彖 彖彖庣庰. 峇怷彖 怷弇庣怷 怷 2011 庢 帢怷彖庰弮峸庛庢庥庰 怷 帣帢帣庰巹怷 庰徆峟庰庣帢 EPS 2011 帠庣帢 怷 庰徆帢庣庰庣庥 峟帠怷 庢 怷 怷弮峟帢 帢.