Former Staff
Former Strategic Development Lead

Strategic Development Lead of 蹤獲扦
Scientific Collaborator at University of Bern, Switzerland
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Barbora Bruant Gulejova
Barbora holds a MS degree in Plasma Physics and a MS degree in Management from Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. After having obtained her PhD in Thermonuclear Fusion from Ecole Polytechnique F矇d矇rale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, she worked at the International Atomic Energy Agency as a Scientific Editor and, later, for an NGO in Geneva specialized in sustainable energy. She started at CERN in 2014 as Head of Community Activities of HEPTech (High Energy Physics Technology Transfer Network) and later joined an Education, Communication and Outreach Group in CERNs International Relations Sector.
Barbora has been instrumental in developing the 蹤獲扦 since 2015 when she joined 蹤獲扦 as a Scientific Secretary. She rewrote the 蹤獲扦s draft constitution, organised meetings, wrote reports, edited newsletters, drafted legal documents and helped 蹤獲扦 co-chairs to set the high standards of the newly-born collaboration. She is behind initiatives like the network of high school teachers 蹤獲扦 Friends, the campaign Girls, do physics!, the programme Creating Ambassadors for Society and the competition Particles for You.
In 2018 she became 蹤獲扦s Strategic Development Lead and, as a member of the core team and guardian of 蹤獲扦s collective memory, she continues shaping the collaborations evolution, expanding its remit and visibility. In her role of chief web developer, she works on 蹤獲扦s new visual identity and digital portfolio. She has a leading role in several of 蹤獲扦s working groups aiming at producing tailor-made materials for the new 蹤獲扦 resource database. She believes in 蹤獲扦s potential as a bridge builder between science and society.
Barbora is an enthusiastic science ambassador with a global vision. Passionate about communicating the importance and positive impact of physics, science & STEM on society and sustainability, she is building partnerships and synergies internationally and in her motherland. Over the last 5 years she has developed a new concept of Economic Collaboration between the Slovak Republic and CERN and in 2018-2019 she fulfilled the functions of Industry Liaison Officer, Knowledge Transfer Liaison Officer, Teachers and Students Forum Representative of Slovakia at CERN and was a member of CERNs Finance Committee. Since 2016 she has been a CERN Staff Association delegate, first representing CERN Fellows and now all members of associated personnel - users.