



Sofia Tech Park develops activities to support start-ups, small and medium enterprises, science, education and innovation. There are few main components included in the park:

Incubator The incubator community includes start-ups and developed companies, investment funds and educational organizations.

Forum A venue for events in the field of science, education, innovation, technology and entrepreneurship.

Experimentarium A permanent interactive composition for children with interests in the field of natural sciences.

Laboratory complex (R&D&I consortium) Our 11 laboratories offer an opportunity for development of research and business projects in various research areas.


JOINED: 2016


訄郱赲邽赲訄 迡迮邿郇郋邽 赲 郈郋迡郕迮郈訄 郇訄 訄邽訄邽 郈迮迡郈邽邽, 邾訄郅郕邽 邽 迮迡郇邽 郈迮迡郈邽邽, 郇訄郕訄, 郋訇訄郱郋赲訄郇邽迮 邽 邽郇郋赲訄邽邽. 邾訄 郇郕郋郅郕郋 郋郇郋赲郇邽 郕郋邾郈郋郇迮郇訄, 赲郕郅迮郇邽 赲 郈訄郕訄:

郇郕訇訄郋 訇郇郋訄 郇訄 邽郇郕訇訄郋訄 赲郕郅赲訄 訄邽訄邽 邽 訄郱赲邽邽 郕郋邾郈訄郇邽邽, 邽郇赲迮邽邽郋郇郇邽 郋郇迡郋赲迮 邽 郋訇訄郱郋赲訄迮郅郇邽 郋迣訄郇邽郱訄邽邽.

苳郋邾 郋 郱訄 訇邽邽 赲 郋訇郅訄訄 郇訄 郇訄郕訄訄, 郋訇訄郱郋赲訄郇邽迮郋, 邽郇郋赲訄邽邽迮, 迮郇郋郅郋迣邽邽迮 邽 郈迮迡郈邽迮邾訄迮赲郋郋.

郕郈迮邽邾迮郇訄邽邾 - 郋郋郇郇訄 邽郇迮訄郕邽赲郇訄 郕郋邾郈郋郱邽邽 郱訄 迡迮訄 邽郇迮迮邽 赲 郋訇郅訄訄 郇訄 郈邽郋迡郇邽迮 郇訄郕邽.

訄訇郋訄郋迮郇 郕郋邾郈郅迮郕 (郋郇郋邽邾 郱訄 郇訄郇郋邽郱郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕訄 邽 訄郱赲郋邿郇訄 迡迮邿郇郋) 訄邽迮 11 郅訄訇郋訄郋邽邽 郈迮迡郅訄迣訄 赲郱邾郋迠郇郋 郱訄 訄郱赲邽邽迮 郇訄 邽郱郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕邽 邽 訇邽郱郇迮 郈郋迮郕邽 赲 訄郱郅邽郇邽 邽郱郅迮迡郋赲訄迮郅郕邽 郋訇郅訄邽.

JOINED: 2016



Roumyana Hadjiiska

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE), Bulgaria





Roumyana Mileva Hadjiiska

Roumyana Hadjiiska joined the CMS collaboration in 2010 at the start of her PhD education in the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria. Since then, she dedicates the main part of her time to work within the CMS muon system, including muon physics and muon detector performance. During her PhD she joined also a one year project working for the Technical Transfer Office at the same university. After the defense of her PhD she started to work at BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), joining the High Energy Lab at INRNE (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy), where she is working until now. Currently she is a senior assistant professor at the same laboratory.

During all this time Roumyana put a lot of effort to populate the Particle Physics results within the society and to make the open data and tools closer to the Bulgarian students and teachers. In 2014 she joined a group of Bulgarian scientists who initiated the programme of CMS virtual visits, helping mainly with the domestic organization of the events. In the end of 2017 with the help of her colleagues from different institutions BAS-INRNE, University of Sofia, University of Plovdiv, OSOS project, People's Astronomical Observatory in Varna they built an informal group of scientists who organized the first International Masterclasses in Bulgaria in 2018. After the big interest and success of the event, the group decided to move closer to the schools and in the following three years have organized more than 15 masterclasses, also covering the schools in smaller Bulgarian towns.

In 2021, Bulgaria finally signs the 蹤獲扦 MoU and changes the status of Candidate Member to official member of 蹤獲扦, thanks to the participation of the company Sofia Tech Park, giving a way for further and wider participation in particle physics outreach events.

Roumyana believes that even the students from the smallest towns all over the world should have a chance to participate in contemporary physics discoveries, making the education more interesting and attractive. Speaking physics as an international language gives the students an opportunity to feel that they are part of the world with their own meaningful contribution.

邾郇訄 苭訄迡迠邽邿郕訄 迮 郈邽迮迡邽郇赲訄 郕邾 郕郋郅訄訇郋訄邽訄 CMS 郈迮郱 2010 郕訄郋 迡郋郕郋訄郇 赲 苤郋邽邿郕邽 郇邽赲迮邽迮 苤赲. 郅邽邾迮郇 邽迡郕邽, 郅迣訄邽. 郋迣訄赲訄, 訄訇郋邽 郋郇郋赲郇郋 郱訄 邾郋郇郇訄訄 邽迮邾訄 郇訄 迡迮迮郕郋訄 CMS, 赲郕郅邽迮郅郇郋 邽郱邽迮郇 訄郇訄郅邽郱 郇訄 訇邽邽 邾郋郇邽 赲 郕訄邿郇郋郋 郋郇邽迮 邽 訄郇訄郅邽郱 郇訄 訄訇郋訄訄 郇訄 邾郋郇郇邽迮 迡迮迮郕郋邽. 郋 赲迮邾迮 郇訄 郇迮邿郇訄訄 迡郋郕郋訄郇訄, 赲 訄邾郕邽迮 郇訄 迮迡郇郋迣郋迡邽迮郇 郈郋迮郕, 訄訇郋邽 邽 郕邾 虷迮郇訄 郱訄 訄郇迮 郇訄 迮郇郋郅郋迣邽邽 郕邾 苤郋邽邿郕邽 郇邽赲迮邽迮. 苤郅迮迡 郱訄邽訄 郇訄 迡郋郕郋郕訄 迡邽迮訄邽, 邾郇訄 郱訄郈郋赲訄 訄訇郋訄 赲 (郅迣訄郕訄 訄郕訄迡迮邾邽 郇訄 郇訄郕邽迮), 郕訄郋 迮 郈邽迮迡邽郇赲訄 郕邾 郅訄訇郋訄郋邽 邽郋郕邽 迮郇迮迣邽邽 郕邾 觓觓 (郇邽 郱訄 迡迮郇邽 邽郱郅迮迡赲訄郇邽 邽 迡迮郇訄 迮郇迮迣迮邽郕訄), 郕迡迮郋 訄訇郋邽 邽 迡郋迮迣訄. 郋郇訄郋迮邾 迮 迣郅訄赲迮郇 訄邽迮郇 赲 訄訄 郅訄訇郋訄郋邽.

迮郱 郅郋郋 赲迮邾迮, 邾郇訄 郈郋郅訄迣訄 郇迮郈迮郕郇訄邽 邽郅邽 迡訄 郈郋郈郅邽郱邽訄 迮迡 邽郋郕訄訄 郋訇迮赲迮郇郋 郈郋邽迠迮郇邽訄 赲 郋訇郅訄訄 郇訄 邽郱邽郕訄訄 郇訄 迮郅迮邾迮郇訄郇邽迮 訄邽邽, 郕訄郕郋 邽 迡訄 郱訄郈郋郱郇訄迮 訇郅迣訄郕邽迮 邽迮郅邽 邽 訄邽 郈郅訄郋邾邽迮 郱訄 訄郇訄郅邽郱 郇訄 迡訄郇郇邽 郋赲郋迮郇 迡郋郈 郋 迮郕郈迮邽邾迮郇邽迮 郇訄 赲邽郋郕邽 迮郇迮迣邽邽. 迮郱 2014 迮 郈邽迮迡邽郇赲訄 郕邾 迣郈訄訄 郋 訇郅迣訄郕邽 迮郇邽, 郕郋邽郋 郈郋訄赲 郇訄訄郅郋郋 郇訄 郈郋迣訄邾訄訄 郱訄 赲邽訄郅郇邽 赲邽郱邽邽 赲 迮郕郈迮邽邾迮郇訄 CMS, 郕訄郋 郈郋邾訄迣訄 郋郇郋赲郇郋 郅郋郕訄郅郇訄訄 郋迣訄郇邽郱訄邽 郇訄 訇邽邽訄 赲 郅迣訄邽. 郕訄 郇訄 2017, 郱訄迮迡郇郋 郕郋郅迮迣邽 郋 訄郱郅邽郇邽 邽郇邽邽邽 -觓觓, 苤苺 苤赲. 郅. 邽迡郕邽, 郅郋赲迡邽赲郕邽 郇邽赲迮邽迮 訄邽邽邿 苭邽郅迮郇迡訄郕邽, 郋迮郕 OSOS (Open Schools for Open Societies), 訄郋迡郇訄 郋訇迮赲訄郋邽 邽郕郋郅訄邿 郋郈迮郇邽郕 赲赲 訄郇訄 郱迡訄赲訄 郇迮郋邾訄郅郇訄 迣郈訄 郋 迮郇邽, 郕郋邽郋 郋迣訄郇邽郱邽訄 郈赲邽迮 邾迮迠迡郇訄郋迡郇邽 邾訄郕郅訄郋赲迮 迡訄郇郇邽 郇訄 虷 郈迮郱 2018. 苤郅迮迡 迣郋郅迮邾邽 邽郇迮迮 邽 郈迮 郇訄 郋赲訄 訇邽邽迮, 迣郈訄訄 迮訄赲訄 迡訄 郈邽訇郅邽迠邽 訄郱邽 迡迮邿郇郋 迡郋 邽郅邽訄訄 邽 郈迮郱 郅迮迡赲訄邽迮 邽 迣郋迡邽郇邽 郈赲訄 迡訄 郋迣訄郇邽郱邽訄 郈郋赲迮迮 郋 15 郕郅訄, 赲郕郅邽迮郅郇郋 邽 赲 邽郅邽訄 郋 郈郋-邾訄郅郕邽迮 迣訄迡郋赲迮 赲 訄郇訄訄.

迮郱 2021, 訇郅訄迣郋迡訄迮郇邽迮 郇訄 苤郋邽 苠迮 訄郕, 郅迣訄邽 郋邽邽訄郅郇郋 訄赲訄 郈郅郇郋郈訄赲迮郇 郅迮郇 郇訄 蹤獲扦 (迮迠迡郇訄郋迡郇訄 迣郈訄 郱訄 郇訄郕訄 郱訄 郋訇迮赲郋郋 赲 郋訇郅訄訄 郇訄 邽郱邽郕訄訄 郇訄 迮郅迮邾迮郇訄郇邽迮 訄邽邽). 苠郋赲訄 迡訄赲訄 赲郱邾郋迠郇郋 郱訄 郈郋-邽郋郕郋 訄邽迮 赲 訇迡迮邽 訇邽邽 郱訄 郈郋郈郅邽郱邽訄郇迮 郇訄 郇訄郕訄訄 迮迡 郋訇迮赲郋郋.

邾郇訄 赲赲訄, 迮 迡郋邽 迮郇邽邽迮 郋 郇訄邿-邾訄郅郕邽迮 迣訄迡郋赲迮 郈郋 迮郅邽 赲 訇赲訄 迡訄 邽邾訄 赲郱邾郋迠郇郋 迡訄 訄赲訄 赲 赲迮邾迮郇郇邽迮 郇訄郇邽 郋郕邽邽, 郕訄郋 郈郋 郋郱邽 郇訄邽郇 郋訇訄郱郋赲訄郇邽迮郋 訄赲訄 郈郋-邽郇迮迮郇郋 邽 訄郇迣訄迠邽訄郋. 訄 迣郋赲郋 郱訄 邽郱邽郕訄 赲郇邽邽 郋 迡迣邽 訄郇邽, 迡訄赲訄 赲郱邾郋迠郇郋 郇訄 迮郇邽邽迮 迡訄 郈郋赲赲訄, 迮 郇訄邽邽郇訄 訄 訄 郋 郋郱邽 赲 邽 邽邾訄 赲郋邽迮  郈邽郇郋邽 邽 郱郇訄邽邾郋 邾郋 赲 郇迮迣郋.