Belle II Collaboration
The Belle II experiment is a particle physics experiment designed to study the properties of B mesons (heavy particles containing a beauty quark) and other particles. The Belle II spectrometer, located on the interaction point of the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider, Tsukuba, Japan, started data taking in early 2018. The Belle II collaboration consists of over 984 physicists and engineers from 115 institutions in 26 countries.
JOINED: 2016
Eksperiment Belle II je eksperiment v fiziki osnovnih delcev, namenjen preučevanju lastnosti B mezonov (težkih delcev, ki vsebujejo kvark b) in drugih delcev. Spektrometer Belle II, ki se nahaja na točki interakcije trkalnika elektronov in pozitronov SuperKEKB, Tsukuba na Japonskem, je začel zajemati podatke v začetku leta 2018. Raziskovalno skupino Belle II sestavlja več kot 984 fizikov in inženirjev iz 115 institucij v 26 državah.

Rok Pestotnik
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
1000 Ljubljana
Tel. +3864773381
Rok Pestotnik
Rok obtained his Ph.D. from the University Of Ljubljana, Slovenia, focusing on the identification of hadrons in the HERA-B experiment, DESY, Hamburg. He was/is a member of HERA-B, Belle, ALICE, Belle II, and a technical associate of LHCb. The majority of his research was focused on developing and using the Cherenkov photon detectors in experimental particle physics, where they represent one of the vital identification systems. He is particularly interested in the development of fast timing photon detectors. Rok is also actively involved in transferring the knowledge gained in HEP to environmental and medical applications.
He enjoys inspiring young people with science and high-energy physics.
The training of youngsters and early-stage researchers has played an essential role in his career. He was a supervisor to 12 students and 5 Ph.D. students. In addition, he regularly disseminates the knowledge as a lecturer in the ICFA School on Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics. In Belle II, Rok leads the Masterclasses effort. As an author of one of the exercises, he is actively involved in the collaboration Masterclass organization to provide the public with an insight into the experiment goals and working methods.
Rok je doktoriral na Univerzi v Ljubljani, s poudarkom na identifikaciji hadronov v eksperimentu HERA-B, DESY, Hamburg. Bil je/je član mednarodnih kolaboracij HERA-B, Belle, ALICE, Belle II in tehnični sodelavec LHCb. Večina njegovih raziskav je usmerjena v razvoj in uporabo čerenkovskih fotonskih detektorjev v eksperimentalni fiziki delcev, kjer predstavljajo enega od vitalnih identifikacijskih sistemov. Zanima ga predvsem razvoj hitrih detektorjev fotonov. Rok aktivno sodeluje tudi pri prenosu znanja, pridobljenega v HEP, v okoljske in medicinske aplikacije.
Mlade rad navdušuje z znanostjo in fiziko visokih energij. Usposabljanje mladih raziskovalcev je imelo bistveno vlogo v njegovi karieri. Bil je mentor 12 študentom in 5 doktorskim študentom. Poleg tega redno širi svoje znanje kot predavatelj na šoli ICFA za instrumentacijo v fiziki osnovnih delcev. V Belle II Rok vodi Masterclasse. Kot avtor ene od vaj je aktivno vključen v kolaboracijsko organizacijo Masterclass, da bi javnosti omogočil vpogled v cilje eksperimenta in metode dela.