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Elémentaire journal cover
Author(s): Physicists, Team, CNRS/IN2P3
Contact: elementaire@lal.in2p3.fr
Submitted by: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch
Published: April 29, 2022
Elémentaire journal cover
Science Journal - Élémentaire - No. 5: Les neutrinos
This is number 5 of a series of 8 journals. No.5 was published in Summer 2007. Complete title of journal is "Élémentaire - de l’infiniment petit à l’infiniment grand." Élémentaire ("Elementary") is an outreach journal in French whose eight issues cover the particle physics, from the atom to the discoveries expected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Each issue contains about 15 recurring articles which present the stakes of the physics of the infinitely small, such as the tools and the methods used to study this physics. The main discoveries in this research field over the years are described as well. All the articles can be downloaded for free from the Élémentaire website while printed versions of the different issues can be purchased online. For a complete list of subjects contained in Journal No. 5, see below.
Contents - (English translation) No. 5:
Appetizer: Source of Neutrino
History: Birth of a new particle; Enigmatic story of neutrinos; Majorana, a mysterious genius
Interview: François Vannucci
Research Center: Amundsen-Scott base, Voyage to the South Pole
Experiment: The NEMO experiment
Detection: Linear detectors
Benefits: A spy from the inside: how to date wines
Analysis: The missing energy
Accelerators: Is it still a long way to Gran Sasso?
Discoveries: The 3 neutrinos
Theory: Why and how do the neutrinos oscillate?
The killer question: What is a particle without mass?
Nuclear energy: Nuclear reactors, 3rd or 4th generation?
The LHC: LHCb: a detector of beauty
What Happened: Oscillation of neutral D mesons; The Virgo startup; The beautiful eyes of ANTARES
Contents (original French) - No.5:
Apéritif: Sources de neutrinos
Histoire: Naissance d’une nouvelle particule; Histoire des neutrinos énigmatique; Majorana, une fulgurance énigmatique
Interview: François Vannucci
Centre de recherche: La base Amundsen-Scott, Voyage au Pôle Sud
Expérience: L’expérience NEMO
Détection: Les détecteurs à fils
Retombées: Un espion de l’intérieur, La datation des vins
Analyse: L’énergie manquante
Accélérateurs: C’est encore loin le Gran Sasso ?
Découvertes: Les 3 neutrinos
Théorie: Comment et pourquoi les neutrinos oscillent ?
La question qui tue: QuÂ’est-ce quÂ’une particule sans masse ?
Énergie nucléaire: Les réacteurs nucléaires : 3ème ou 4éme génération ?
Le LHC: LHCb : un détecteur de toute beauté
ICPACKOI: Oscillation des mésons D neutres; Démarrage de Virgo; Les beaux yeux d’ANTARES
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