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Elémentaire journal cover

Author(s): Physicists, Team, CNRS/IN2P3

Contact: elementaire@lal.in2p3.fr

Submitted by: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch

Published: April 29, 2022

Elémentaire journal cover

Science Journal - Élémentaire - No. 1: de latome

This is number 1 of a series of 8 journals. No. 1 published in Spring 2005. Complete title of journal is "Élémentaire - de l’infiniment petit à l’infiniment grand." ("Elementary") is an outreach journal in French whose eight issues cover the particle physics, from the atom to the discoveries expected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Each issue contains about 15 recurring articles which present the stakes of the physics of the infinitely small, such as the tools and the methods used to study this physics. The main discoveries in this research field over the years are described as well. All the articles can be downloaded for free from the Élémentaire website while printed versions of the different issues can be purchased online. For a complete list of subjects contained in Journal No. 1, see below.
Contents (English translation) - No. 1:
Appetizer: Origin of atoms, Images of atoms
History: The atom, a 2500 year old concept
Interview: Claude Détraz
Research Center: GANIL Laboratory (Le Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds), France
Experiment: The INDRA Detector
Detection: How to identify a nucleus
Benefits: Dating
Analysis: Exponential distribution
Accelerators: The First accelerators
Discoveries: Radio activity
Theory: Waves and particles
The killer question: What is mass?
Nuclear energy: The present and future
The LHC: News from the LHC
What Happened: ATLAS toroidal magnets, Direct CP violation
Further Reading: Distance scale
Contents (in French) - No.1:
Apéritif: Origine des atomes, Visions de l’atome
Histoire: L’atome : une idée vieille de 2500 ans
Interview: Claude Détraz
Centre de recherche: GANIL Laboratory (Le Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds), France
Expérience: Le détecteur INDRA
Détection: Comment reconnaître un noyau
Retombées: Datation
Analyse: Loi exponentielle
Accélérateurs: Les premiers accélérateurs
Découvertes: La radioactivité
Théorie: Ondes et particules
La question qui tue: QuÂ’est-ce que la masse ?
Énergie nucléaire: Contexte actuel et futur
Le LHC: Nouvelles du LHC
ICPACKOI: Toroïde d’Atlas, Violation de CP directe
Pour en savoir plus: Échelle des distances




Matter, Particles and the Universe (Known Physics)
Particles and Their Interactions
Particles and Their Interactions
Exploring the Unknown (Beyond Known Physics)
Technologies and Experiments
Data Analysis
Particle Physics and Society

School Topics

Nature of science
Measurements and uncertainties
Structure of matter
Structure of matter
Charges and fundamental interactions


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