蹤獲扦 Resources Database

Quarked website screenshot

Author(s): Bean, Alice, The University of Kansas (US)

Contact: Alice Bean, quarked@ku.edu

Submitted by: lila.mabiala@cern.ch

Published: October 3, 2011

Quarked website screenshot


The Quarked! project was conceived by Professor Alice Bean and a diverse team of collaborators at the University of Kansas in 2003 as an entertaining method of introducing the world of subatomic physics to kids and adults. (...) Now, Quarked! - Adventures in the Subatomic Universe brings subatomic physics to life through a multimedia project including an interactive website, a facilitated program for museums and schools, and an educational outreach program. (...) Targeted to kids ages 7-12 (and their families), the Quarked! project plans also include an animated television series plus science-based toys and games featuring the Quarked! characters.



Matter, Particles and the Universe (Known Physics)
Particles and Their Interactions
Particles and Their Interactions
Exploring the Unknown (Beyond Known Physics)
Technologies and Experiments
Particle Physics and Society
Why Fundamental Research
People Behind the Science

School Topics

Nature of science
Scientific inquiry and reasoning
Structure of matter


蹤獲扦25, US

Online use



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