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Passeport pour les deux infinis cover

Author(s): Physicists, Team, CNRS/IN2P3

Contact: contact@passeport2i.fr

Submitted by: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch

Published: April 29, 2022

Passeport pour les deux infinis cover

Passeport pour les deux infinis / Passport to the two infinites

This book is a cornerstone of a French outreach initiative in particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics. The book is a reversible book, edited by a team of seven people and based on contributions from more than 50 people from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) , the Commissariat à l'’énergie atomique (CEA), and Universities. One side of the book presents the physics of the "infinitely small" (from the atom to the elementary particles) while the other side describes the "infinitely large": our Universe. The articles are 2-pages each and include colorful illustrations to explain concepts effectively and simply.

Each side of the book follows a similar format. This includes: a. the concepts, b. current experiments and c. a few applied notes in that order. The book also includes a helpful glossary explaining complex words labelled by a star in the articles.

Publisher: French scientific editor Dunod.

Conferences for general audiences and training sessions for the teachers are also organized. A DVD and various other online applications (a forum, a 2nd life-based site, etc.) are also foreseen.




Matter, Particles and the Universe (Known Physics)
Particles and Their Interactions
Particles and Their Interactions
Quark-Gluon Plasma
Exploring the Unknown (Beyond Known Physics)
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
Technologies and Experiments

School Topics

Measurements and uncertainties
Charges and fundamental interactions
Special topics


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Online use


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