蹤獲扦 Resources Database

ATLAS collaboration team

Author(s): Goldfarb, Steven, University of Melbourne (AU)

Contact: Steven Goldfarb, steven.goldfarb@cern.ch

Submitted by: lila.mabiala@cern.ch

Published: May 10, 2022

ATLAS collaboration team

The LHC and the Higgs Boson (but its early in the game)

Buried 100m below the French / Swiss countryside, between the Alps and the Jura Mountains, is a 27km tunnel housing the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. This chain of superconducting magnets accelerates protons to high energies and then collides them in four different underground halls. Inside these halls are enormous, highly complex particle detectors, each bearing millions of electronic channels, and designed to reconstruct the remnants of the collisions. The talk describes the LHC, the detectors, the collaborations that built and run them, and the motivation for their existence. It also presents some of the more recent accomplishments, such as the discovery of the Higgs Boson, and then discusses the resonance that such basic research can strike with the public, arguably due to its recognition as a fundamental component of our existence. The talk concludes by describing methods currently employed to exploit this opportunity to inform and educate the public in an interactive manner.



Matter, Particles and the Universe (Known Physics)
Particles and Their Interactions
Particles and Their Interactions
Exploring the Unknown (Beyond Known Physics)
Technologies and Experiments
Particle Physics and Society
Why Fundamental Research
International Collaboration
Applications & Spin-Offs

School Topics

Nature of science
Scientific inquiry and reasoning
Measurements and uncertainties
Structure of matter
Charges and fundamental interactions
Weak interaction


蹤獲扦25, ATLAS

Online use

