蹤獲扦 Resources Database

Video still

Author(s): Outreach, CMS, CERN

Submitted by: lila.mabiala@cern.ch

Published: October 4, 2011

Video still

International Masterclasses Explanatory video

10 min video explaining the history, the purpose and the day of the masterclasses. Interviews with: - the current and past moderators from CERN - the students from France, Austria and the USA - interviews with a french teacher - interview with the creator of the CMS exercise - interviews of the co-contributor to the event display tool (served students to do the CMS exercise) Host of the video - Kate Shaw (ATLAS) by Matt Ryan (CMS)



Matter, Particles and the Universe (Known Physics)
Particles and Their Interactions
Particles and Their Interactions
Exploring the Unknown (Beyond Known Physics)
Technologies and Experiments
Particle Physics and Society
International Collaboration
People Behind the Science

School Topics

Nature of science
Scientific inquiry and reasoning
Measurements and uncertainties
Measurement uncertainties



Online use

