蹤獲扦 Resources Database

Hadronic Calorimeter
Author(s): ATLAS Outreach, Team, CERN
Contact: atlas-outreach-coordination@cern.ch
Submitted by: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch
Published: April 29, 2022
Hadronic Calorimeter
Hadronic Calorimeter in the ATLAS detector on the LHC at CERN
This colorful 3D animation is an excerpt from the film "ATLAS-Episode II, The Particles Strike Back." Shot with a bug's eye view of the inside of the detector. Topics covered include what the Hadronic Calorimeter measures, what types of particles are hadrons, what the calorimeter is made of, what happens when a particle passes through the calorimeter and how it measures the hadron's energy.
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蹤獲扦25, ATLAS
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