蹤獲扦 Resources Database

CERN 360 Aerial view
Author(s): Physicists, Team, CNRS/IN2P3
Contact: narnaud@lal.in2p3.fr
Submitted by: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch
Published: April 29, 2022
CERN 360 Aerial view
Experience CERN 360: a web documentary
The "Experience CERN 360" web documentary () is a website in French developed by the CNRS, the CEA and the ExplorNova collaboration (CEA Irfu & iR矇lit矇/Capacit矇s SAS) for the CERN 60th anniversary in 2014. 10 entry points marked by white icons on an aerial picture of the CERN area (with the main elements of the accelerator complex superimposed on it) allow the visitors to experience a (virtual) visit of the CERN: physics topics studied at CERN, associated technological developments, how it is to work at CERN, etc. Panoramic 360-degree pictures allow to discover the main CERN locations while 60 portraits of persons whose work is related to CERN show the diversity of the people and of the careers which have made the CERN success for more than 60 years.
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