FOR 蹤獲扦ers

Resources Portal Steering Group

This group was created by the Collaboration in November 2024, and will be complete in May 2025. It builds up on a previous Resource Database curation effort, but will concentrate on multilingual support, on the dissemination of "success stories" to the whole community, and on the development of a new web interface.


Meanwhile, you can enjoy:


Selection of external web sites:  proposed by collaboration members and partners, in their own language.


Particle physics tapas:  are stories and brief articles written by 蹤獲扦 working groups


The Resource Database (RDB) presents resources collected over the years by collaboration members. Some where developed within the collaboration, others by colleagues and partners. The current  interface, developed for the collaboration 25th anniversary under the guidance of Barbora Bruant-Gujelova, includes tags to guide anyone interested.


Publications:  a selection of conference proceedings and reports that reflect the collaboration activity. They can be given on behalf of the collaboration or by forum members.




Claire Adam


蹤獲扦 forum contributors:  Alberto Ruiz (Spain), Julia Woithe (CERN),   + more to be announced (list will be complete in May 2025)


External contributors: to be announced in May 2025.