FOR 蹤獲扦ers
Resource Database WG
The Resource Database (RDB) presents resources collected over the years by collaboration members. Some where developed within the collaboration, others by colleagues and partners. The current interface, developed for the collaboration 25th anniversary under the guidance of Barbora Bruant-Gujelova, includes tags to guide anyone interested.
The Working Group was replaced, in November 2024, by an Activity driven by the Resources Portal Steering Group
蹤獲扦 forum contributors to the RDB project: Luis Afonso (Portugal), Marge Bardeen (USA), Ian Bearden (Denmark), Barbora Bruant Gulejova (Switzerland), Roumyana Hadjiiska (Bulgaria), Despina Hatzifotiadou (ALICE), Galina Kirilova (Bulgaria), Christian Klein-B繹sing (Germany), Lila Mabiala (CERN), Ivan Melo (Slovakia), Marcelo Munhoz (Brazil), Pierluigi Paolucci (Italy), Spencer Pasero (USA), Darren Price (UK), Alberto Ruiz Jimeno (Spain), Alexander Sharmazanashvili (Georgia), Jonas Strandberg (Sweden), Julia Woithe (CERN), Krzysztof Wieslaw (Poland).
External contributors: we gratefully acknowledge the contribution of colleagues, partners and teachers belonging to the wider 蹤獲扦 community. Their feedback on some of the resources was an asset during the RDB curation process.