FOR 蹤獲扦ers

GC SG - Global Cosmics Steering Group


In the projections around the measurement of cosmic rays, students can dive into the fascinating world of the exploration of the universe. They become familiar with scientific work using modern measurement and analysis methods. The contacts to scientist and research facilities as well as the gain of experience are meant to cater to the student interests and aid them in choosing their university major.



Kazuo Tanaka


蹤獲扦 forum contributors: Mark Adams (USA), Nicolas Arnaud (France), Arturo Fernandez Tellez (Mexico), Alessia Giampaoli (Italy), Carolin Gnebner (DESY), Etienne Martel (France), Simone Ragoni (Alice), Guillermo Tejeda Munhoz (Mexico), Charles Timmermann (Netherlands), Krzystof Wozniak (Poland), Sabine Hemmer (Italy)


External contributors: Mario Acero (Accel Kitchen Colombia), Luisa Cifarelli (EEE), Cosmix (France), Sebasti獺n Grinschpun (IFAE), Hhsiao (Accel Kitchen Taiwan), Kai K. Loo (Finland), Piotr Homola (CREDO), Kevin Mosedale (UK), Rosario Nania (EEE), Tanja N. (Sweden), Achara Seri (Accel Kitchen Thailand),